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Charge Item Updates, Budget Totals, and Participant Template Page Layout

Charge Item Updates

Astalty sent out communication informing all users about the Charge Item Update in line with the 2024-2025 Price Guide the communication outlined the following;

As of Monday 1st July all of your Charge Items were updated in line with the updated Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits (PAPL) that were announced on the 27th of June to take effect from the 1st of July.

If there was a change to the line item price and you did not opt out of automatic updates, all of your Charge Items have been updated. You can view more information about which charge items were updated here.

Please note some charge items may not have been updated - the reason they were not updated is listed here. You will need to update these manually.

All charges that were already entered into Astalty prior to the 1st of July 2024 have been locked at the previous price and all new charges entered from today will use the new price. If you need to back date any charges with the previous price, you will need to do a price override. You can learn more about this here.

If you have any questions about this update feel free to contact

Budget Totals

We have now introduced a Quality of Life update to the budget menu within the Participants profile. You can now view the totals for each budget you have created within this list. Saving you having to click into each budget to see the total.

Participant Template Page Layout

We have updated the interface for how you see Participant templates as seen below. You can now toggle between Custom Templates and NDIA Templates

Custom Templates

When in this menu you can see any custom templates you have entered into Astalty and any document you haev generated using the templates above.

NDIA Templates

Within this menu you can see the most up to date NDIA template documents that you can generate similar to how you would have before