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To manage Services for your Participant, navigate to the NDIS Plan page within their profile. To learn more about Services and why they are important, take a look at this page.

Creating a Service

Once you have navigated to the Plan you want to add the Service to, click Add Service.

Service Name

The Service name should describe the service you are delivering. For example;

  • Level 2 Support Coordination

  • Level 3 Support Coordination

  • Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

  • Occupational Therapy

You can use any Service name

When creating a Service, when you click into the Service Name field, Astalty will show you a list of options based on previous Service Names in order to try and have consistent naming. If you do not see the value you need to use, you can type any value and it will be available in the drop down next time.

Service Budget Amount

The total budget amount for this service.

If some funding has already been used, this amount should still be the total amount for the service - typically the total amount listed on their plan. You can then reconcile the budget.


To reconcile a Service budget amount, click the Reconcile button next to the Service Budget Amount field.

Remaining Amount

How much funding is remaining for this service as at the Reconciled Date.

Reconciled Date

The date that the remaining amount was valid - this will default to today's date.

Management Type

Define how the funds for this service are managed. This will dictate how charge items are invoiced when you process your invoice batches.

Service Category

The NDIS Support Category that this Service falls under. This is important as it will dictate which Charge Items can be used for this Service.

If you want to use Charge Items starting with 07, then you will need to select the 07 - Support Coordination service category.

Service Coordinator

The Team Member who is in charge of coordinator or delivering this Service. This is helpful if you are delivering several services to the same Participant.

For example you may have a Participant receiving Level 2 and Level 3 Support Coordination. You may have the Level 2 Support Coordinator as the Primary Coordinator but you can also assign another team member as the Service Coordinator for the Level 3 Support Coordination Service.

Charge Items

In order to invoice for charges, as well as track Service utilisation, you must assign every Charge Item you plan to use for this Participant to a Service.

A Charge Item can only belong to one Service at a time.

Calculate Remaining Units Using

Select the Charge Item you want Astalty to use to calculate the remaining units using. Typically, this would be the standard hourly Charge Item for your service - such as Level 2 Support Coordination.

Updating a Service

The steps to update a Service are the same as those outlined above for Creating a Service however instead of clicking Create Service you navigate to the Service you'd like to update by clicking on the Service and then clicking Edit.

Creating and Updating Servcies

Watch the following video to see a visual guide on how to create and update Services.

Deleting a Service

Watch the following video to see a visual guide on how to delete a Service.