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Directory Settings

Directory Settings Overview

Within the Directory Settings the current settings allow you to create, edit and delete Organisational Tags. These tags can be viewed within the Organisations screen within the Directory.

Organisational Tags

This is a Premium Feature

Just a heads up Organisational Tags are a Premium Subscription level feature.

Organisational Tags are a useful tool to highlight important aspects of an organisation within your Organisations page in your Directory. You could highlight what an organisation specialises in, if an organisation has capacity or if they do not. You can create a tag for whatever your business deems necessary. You can also assign multiple tags to an Organisation.

Creating an Organisational Tag

To create an organisational tag simply navigate to the Directory Settings page. If you have yet to create a tag your screen will look similar to this below. To create a tag click on the 'Create a Tag' in the top right of the screen. Or if it is your first tag in the centre of the screen as seen below.

After clicking create a tag you will be prompted to do the following;

  • Assign a name to the tag

  • Pick a colour associated with the tag

Once you have selected those details you will be able to see a preview of what the tag will look like.

After you click 'Create' you will be brought back to the Directory Settings screen and you can now see the tag that you have just created within the list of tags.

You can edit the tag from within this screen also.

Organisational Tags in Practice

For more information on how these work in practice, please read our user guide article that you can find here