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Creating & Updating Charge Items

Creating Charge Items in Astalty is straightforward but if you're unsure what Charge Items are head to our explanation here.

To manage Charge Items, navigate to the Charge Items settings page.

Creating a Charge Item

To create a Charge Item click Add Charge Item towards the top right of the screen.

Importing from the Price Guide

Before you import prices from the Price Guide, you'll need to ensure you have set your Region in Business Settings. If you have not yet done this, you will be prompted to set your Region first.

Search by name or number

To find the Charge Item you need, simply start searching by lien item number or name.

Select the line item

Once you have found the line item you need simply click on it and the Charge Item details form will be pre-filled for you.

Manually entering or updating details

If you are not charging for something from the NDIS Price Guide, you can simply manually enter all of the details for the Charge Item.

If you have imported a line item from the price guide but you need to update the price (as an example) you are free to update the values once the fields have been pre-filled.

Charge Item Number

This corresponds to the NDIS Price Guide. Unless you are charging for items outside the NDIS, you should not change this number as it may result in your payment request being rejected.

Charge Item Name

This is the name of the charge that will appear on the PDF invoices. You are free to customise this as you wish.

Default Claim Type

When creating a Charge Item, you should select the Default Claim Type. This means that any time this Charge Item is assigned to a Task, the Claim Type for that charge will be set to the default.


This corresponds to the NDIS Price Guide unit. Unless you are charging for items outside the NDIS, you should not change this value as it may result in your payment request being rejected.


The price of the charge item. You may customise this if you need however it will be prefilled with the price imported from the NDIS price guide.

GST Code

The GST Codes correspond to the GST Codes defined in the Bulk Payment Requests Guide.

We strongly advise you do not change this.

For the large majority of cases, this should be set to P2. Changing this may result in incorrect invoices being submitted to the Plan Manager, Participant and the NDIA.

GST Codes

P1 = Tax Claimable (10%)
P2 = GST Free
P5 = GST out of Scope

Items without a price limit

In Astalty, you can charge for items that do not have a price limit. To do this, you should create a Charge Item with the relevant line item and set the price to $1. When using this Charge Item, you would then adjust the quantity to arrive at the desired total.

From the NDIS Price Guide

Where a support item does not have a price limit then the provider and participant should agree on the reasonable price for the support. If necessary, they should also agree on the billing schedule for the support. For xample, they might agree that a support should be claimed weekly. These claims are subject to the general claiming rules, including that, in general, supports can only be claimed for after they have been delivered.

The provider should claim for that item by reference to the “notional unit price” that is set out in the NDIS Support Catalogue or the NDIS Assistive Technology, Home Modifications and Consumables Code Guide.

Example – Claiming for Low Cost AT

A Provider has agreed to deliver a text player to a participant at a cost of $530.

The relevant support item (03_220300911_0113_1_1: Low Cost AT for Vision Related AT) is not subject to a price limit but has a “notional” unit price of $1.00. The provider would submit a payment request for 530 units at $1.00 a unit for a total amount of $530.

Example – Claiming for Activity Based Transport

The activity based transport support items are not subject to price limits but have a “notional” unit limit of $1.00.

If, as in the above example, the non-labour costs of the activity based transport was $21.50 (in this example against the support item 04_590_0125_6_1) then the provider would submit a payment request for 21.5 units at $1.00 a unit for a total cost of $21.50.

Video Walkthrough

Watch the following video to see a visual guide on how to create and update Charge Items.