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Directory Overview

The directory is a central feature in our system, designed to keep all your essential contacts organised and easily accessible.

What can be stored in the Directory?

Plan Managers

These are external brokers or entities that handle invoice payments on behalf of Participants.

Click here to learn more about creating and updating Plan Managers in Astalty.


The term "Organisation" includes a wide range of entities. It encompasses mainstream organisations as well as specialised service providers. The directory helps in keeping track of these various organisations.

Click here to learn more about creating and updating Organisations in Astalty.


The Contacts category is broad and includes anyone who may or may not be associated with an organisation. It could be stakeholders, parents, or any individual relevant to your operations. Whether it's a mom or a dad, a colleague or a professional contact, the directory ensures you have their details at your fingertips.

Click here to learn more about creating and updating Organisations in Astalty.