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Participant Record Notifications

This is a Astalty Premium feature.

Introduction to Participant Record Notifications

Participant Record Notifications enable timely updates and pre-emptive actions for record expirations, ensuring audit compliance and alerting relevant stakeholders efficiently.

To manage Participant Record Notifications, head to the Notifications page in the main menu and click "Participant Records".

Creating a Participant Record Notification

Creating a notification for Participant Record is a simple process. Start the process by clicking Create Notification.

Setting the Notification Timing

Set the Period and Period Unit

Choose how early you would like to be notified about Records expiring, options include on the day, days before, or weeks before the expiration.

Selecting the Record Types

By default, notifications are set up for all Record Types. If you wish to set up a notification for a specific Record Type, untick 'This notification applies to all Record Types', and then you will be able to select an individual Record Type.

Notification Email Content

This is where you can add additional information based on the notification. For example, you could add the details of what your organisation normally does when a Participant Record is expiring.

Notification Recipients

Primary Coordinator

Tick this option if you would like to notify the Participant's Primary Coordinator.

Service Coordinator

Tick this option if you would like to notify the Participant's Service Coordinator.

User Groups

This enables you to select which User Groups you wish to be notified.


This enables you to notify a user directly.

Notification Methods

Within Astalty

If this option is selected, the user will be notified within Astalty.


If this option is selected, the user will be notified via email.

Finalising Your Notification

After entering all the relevant information, click Add Notification to save it.

Multiple Notifications

You can add multiple different notification features based on user preferences.

For example, you may want to send a notification 1 week before a Record is expiring and another one 3 days before the expiration.

Here is a video overview of the Participant Records in action