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Tasks & Notes

Tasks & Note Settings Overview

Within the Tasks & Notes settings menu you will have access to the following menu options.

  • Charge Intervals

  • Task Assigning/Reassigning Notification settings

  • Note Template Settings

Charge Intervals

Personalised Interval Settings: Easily adjust the charge intervals to match the specific billing cycles your business uses. This customisation feature ensures that all users within your organisation have access to these predefined intervals on their Task Board, facilitating a consistent and efficient billing process.

Predefined Presets for Quick Selection: To speed up the setup, our system includes convenient presets such as 6-minute and 15-minute intervals. These options cater to common billing increments, allowing for quick implementation.

Adding Custom Intervals: Beyond the presets, you have the freedom to define your own intervals. For instance, if your business frequently conducts standard meetings that last 240 minutes, you can create a corresponding interval. This custom interval can then be selected with a single click, streamlining time entry for such meetings.

Task Assigning/Re-Assigning Notifications

Within the Task and Notes settings you can toggle the option to receive email notifications for when a task is assigned or reassigned to a team member. Sometimes within a larger organisation tasks may be reassigned for a multitude of reasons multiple times a day. To avoid receiving an email notification for each task we have added the option to turn this off. You will still receive a notification within Astalty for when this happens.

To toggle this setting navigate to the Tasks & Notes menu. As seen below you can edit the Task Settings.

Once In this menu you can deselect 'Enabled' and this will disable these notifications.

Note Template Settings

Within the note template settings you can do the following;

  • Create a Note Template

  • Assign Note Template usage types

  • Edit Note Templates

  • Search for created Note Templates

For more information about the Note Template process we have created a dedicated user guide article that you can find here.