The incident follow up is crucial to ensure that the correct procedures have been followed to ensure that your participants and staff are safe. From within the relevant Incident register click on an entry that you would like record any follow up. The procedure is the same for both Participant Incidents and Staff Incidents.
Admin Users
Admin users can view all staff incidents and can also view all participant incidents
Manager Users
Manager users cannot view staff incidents. They can view all participant incidents.
Team Member Users
Team Member users cannot view staff incidents. They can only view participant incidents where at least ONE of the involvees is a participant that they manage (i.e. is a primary/ service coordinator of)
By clicking into an incident reported you will see the incident follow up screen as seen above. Within this screen you can update the status of the follow up, check the activity log, assign a involved person, and add any additional follow up within the 'edit' option.
To update the status of an Incident select the 'Update Status' option;
The first update will update the status of the reported incident to under review.
Once the incident has been resolved click the status again and it will reflect the change.
To view the activity log of the status updates click the 'Actions' button
To assign a person to a reported incident simply select the 'Add' option under who was involved.
Upon doing this you can select from the options Team Member and Participant each will give you a dropdown list to select form entries that have been set up in your Astalty Organisation
To record an incident follow up select the 'edit' option within this menu. This will take you to the Incident Follow Up Menu View
Within the follow up screen you will notice various menu options they include the following;
Assigned To
Incident Category/Type
Reportable or Non Reportable Incident
Follow Up Details
The Assigned to dropdown box will allow you to assign a user to an incident to follow up.
The Incident follow up menu has two follow up types. These include Reportable Incidents to the NDIA and Non-Reportable Incidents. The selection of either will outline the Incident Category/type that you can select from as seen in the screenshots below.
The category options can be customised in the Incidents Settings menu, examples of incident categories can be seen below
The reportable incident types are as outlined by the NDIA and cannot be edited.
Within this dropdown box you can select the severity of the incident, this can be categorised as Low, Medium, or High;
Below this, we give you the option to write any details in regards to the follow up of the incident and below this you can add any additional Details regarding the incident itself in the details section.
Once you are happy with the information you have added in regards to the follow up select the 'Update Incident' to save this against the entry.