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Note Templates

Creating Note Templates

To create and manage Note Templates, head to the Tasks and Notes settings page in Astalty and click on Create Note Template.

Template Details

Note Template Name

Enter a unique name for your note template in the designated field. This name should be descriptive enough to help you identify the template's purpose at a glance.

Note Template Usage Type

We have added the ability to add a usage type to the note templates. You can select, a single, multiple, or all of the usage types depending on the most appropriate usage of the template you create. This allows you to create multiple templates for different usages. The usage types include the following;

  • Task Notes

  • Participant Notes

  • Participant Information Items

  • Participant Goals

  • eSignature Requests

Here is a video Walkthrough of the new Usage Type feature


In the provided space, input the structure or content you wish to utilise for your notes. This could include placeholders, headings, or any pre-defined text relevant to your needs.

Save your Note Template

After entering the template details, click on the Create button to save your new note template.

You can create and utilise as many note templates as you require by following the steps above.

Updating Note Templates

You can update Note templates by following the same instructions above however instead of click Create Note Template, click the 3 dots next to an existing template and click Edit.

Using a Note Template

Note Templates can be used within any Task in Astalty. To learn more about how to create and update Tasks click here.

Navigate to the task board where your tasks and notes are organised.

To open a Task, click on the task where you want to add a note. This will bring up the task details.

In the task details, locate the Added Notes section. Here, click on the box with a T in the middle. This icon represents the note template feature.

Select a Template

A list of your saved note templates will appear. Select the appropriate note template for your current needs.

Automatically Populate Note

Upon selection, the note field will be automatically populated with the information from your chosen template. You can then further customise the note as required.

Video Walkthrough

For a video walkthrough of Note templates, please watch the video below.