Deleting Referral Entries
You can not delete referrals in the accepted or completed status.
The referral follow up is an important process to ensure the conversion of participants that are eligible for your services. From within the Referral Register click on an entry that you would like record any follow up. You can also assign the referral to a participant and create a participants profile from a referral submission!
By clicking into an incident reported you will see the incident follow up screen as seen above. Within this screen you can update the status of the follow up, check the activity log, assign a involved person, and add any additional follow up within the 'edit' option.
To update the status of a Referral select the 'Update Status' option;
The first update will update the status of the submitted referral to under review.
Once the referral has been accepted click the status again and it will reflect the change.
To assign this form to an existing participant from this referral form select the actions button and select 'assign existing participant' from the dropdown menu.
This will add this form to the participants form menu as seen below.
To create a participant from this referral form select the actions button and select 'create participant' from the dropdown menu,
To assign a referral to a user and/or record any follow up detail that has occurred click the 'edit' button. In doing this you will see a pop up window as seen in the screenshot below. When you assign a referral to a user they will get a notification letting them know that this has happened.