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You can view all Documents for a Participant within their Documents page on their profile.

Viewing Documents

In Astalty you can attach documents to;

  • a Task

  • a Note

  • a Participant

  • a Plan

  • an Implementation

  • a Record

  • an Information Item

On the Participant's Documents page, Astalty will show all Documents for a Participant, regardless of the place where they were uploaded.

To view a document head to the Participant's Documents page and click on the document itself (1) or click the 3 dots to the right hand side (2) and click View

Uploading Documents

To upload a document directly to a Participant's profile click on the Upload Documents button. This will open to Upload Documents form where you can click to browse files on your computer or drag and drop directly into the outlined area.

Editing the document name before uploading

Once you've selected your file, you can edit the name of the document which is what will display in Astalty.

Categorising documents

You can add categories to your documents by clicking on the Tag icon prior to uploading. This allows you to categorise your documents for easy searching.

If the document category you want to use is not found in the drop down (hint: you may need to search the first few letters), you can create a new document category 'on the fly' by clicking the Create button when prompted.

Editing Documents

Once a document has been uploaded, or if you are viewing an existing document, you can edit the categories and document name.

To edit the document name, hover of the document name and click the edit icon (1).

You can also use the categories input (2) to edit the categories for the document.

Archiving Documents

Sometimes documents become outdated or no longer relevant but you don't want to fully delete them. Astalty allows you to archive Documents which will hide them from the main Documents list but they can still be found by adding a filter.

To archive a document, open the document and click the Actions button - you can then click the Archive option to archive the Document.

Restoring Archived Documents

If you need to restore an Archived document, it is really similar to the process of Archiving a document. 

To restore a document you: 

  1. Add a filter to a participants document list. 

  2. Click the filter button and add a ‘Status’ filter and click ‘Archived’. 

  3. Once you have found your archived document click the document 

  1. Then you will need to navigate to ‘Actions’

  2. Then click ‘Restore’

Once you have done this the document should return to the documents list under ‘Documents’ on the participants profile.

Searching Documents

To search by document name, you can use the Search input at the top of the Documents table. You can use the search field in combination with a filter (see Available Filters below) for a powerful and detailed search.

Available Filters

To add a Filter to the Documents table, first click on the Filter icon and then select the filter you'd like to add.

Status Filter

Sometimes you may need to find an archived document - you can use the Status filter to do this.


If you have lots of documents, you can use the categories filter to filter by category.

File Types

To find a particular type of document (ie. PDF, Word, Email) you can use the File Types filter.

Video Guide

This video explains the document template process.