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Billing FAQs

Upfront Fees

Are there any hidden upfront costs?

No. There are no hidden upfront costs.

Do you provide training and onboarding for Astalty Lite?

Unfortunately we are unable to provide dedicated training and onboarding for Astalty Lite (free) Users. However, we are more than happy to assist via email - you can contact us at

Do you provide training for Astalty Professional?

We have a dedicated online training platform which you will gain access to once you subscribe.

Monthly Fees

Astalty Professional

$59 per User.

Astalty Premium

$64 per User.

What is a User?

A User is any User of Astalty, generally a member of your team - for example;

  • Support Coordinator

  • Therapist

  • Psychosocial Recovery Coach

Do you charge per Participant?

No, you can add as many active or archived Participants as you like - you will only pay per User.

Is there a limit to the number of Participants?

No, there are no limits to the number of Participants you can add to Astalty.

Are there any hidden ongoing costs?

No. There are no hidden ongoing costs.

Adding & Removing Users

Will I be charged if I add a new user?

Monthly Subscriptions
If you are paying monthly, you will be charged a pro rata amount for the new user. This will be charged immediately (or within a few hours). This will be the equivalent of the monthly cost of the new user for the remainder of the month.

Yearly Subscriptions
If you are paying yearly, you will only be charged a pro rata amount for the new user if the total number of users exceeds the number of users you have paid for during that year.

For example;

  • If you subscribe with 5 users on a yearly subscription, you will be charged for 5 users for the whole year, up front.

  • If you then remove a user halfway through the year, you will not be refunded for the remaining 6 months even though you only have 4 users now.

  • However, if you then add another user, you will not be charged a pro rata amount as you have already paid for 5 users for the year.

  • If you then add yet another user within the same billing year (now there is a total of 6 users), you will be charged a pro rata amount for the 6th user.

Will I get a refund for removing a user?

We do not give refunds for removing a user on either the monthly or yearly subscription.

Cards and Payments

When will I be charged?

Your first payment will be charged immediately after you enter your credit card details and confirm your subscription. If you are on a free trial, your first payment will be charged at the end of your trial period.

When will I be charged if I add a new user?

If there is a pro rata amount to be charged for the new user, this will be charged immediately (or within a few hours). Otherwise, the new user will be included in your next monthly or yearly payment.

Where do you store credit card information?

We don't.

When you enter your credit card information into Astalty, we use a third party payments provider to handle this - Stripe.

The only details we store about your credit card are;

  • the type of card (Visa, Mastercard etc)

  • the last 4 digits (so you can easily identify the card when listed in Astalty)

Is my credit card data safe with Stripe?

There are strict guidelines and practices that must be followed when storing credit card information. Stripe are a PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry.

Astalty tried to charge my card, but there were insufficient funds

That's okay! In this case, Stripe will automatically retry to charge your card in a few days. You can always reach out to us at to discuss your account at any time. You can also pay invoices manually here.