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Calendar Set Up

Calendar Set Up Overview

Before you jump into using the calendar you might want to set up a few things. Things we recommend you set up are;

  • External Calendar Integration.

  • External Calendars you would like to see on your Astalty Calendar.

  • Main External Calendar for the two way integration.

To enable these features you will need to navigate to your User Account. For more information on how to find this click here. Once in your user settings you will see two new selections, Integrations and Calendar see below for more details.

External Calendar Integration

Navigate to the 'Integration' menu. Once in this screen you will now see who options, to connect to your Google Account or to your Microsoft Account.

Selecting either connect buttons will prompt you to sign in and 'allow' astalty permission to access your calendar. Following a successful integration you will be taken to the Calendar menu and prompted to select the External Calendars you would like to see within your Astalty Calendar and also the Main External Calendar (the one that will have the 2 way integration).

To learn more about how to connect your external calendars click the following links;

  • For the Outlook Calendar Integration click here.

  • For the Google Calendar Integration click here.

  • For more information on setting up the integration calendars after integrating process click here