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Users Settings

User Groups and Roles


At first, the difference between a user group and a user role may be unclear, but we have built both of these into Astalty for future expansion around fine-grained user permissions and communications. However, for now, they do still serve an important purpose.


User roles control what a user can do. These roles are pre-defined, and you cannot edit or create roles. There are 3 roles;

  • Admin

  • Manager

  • Team Member


For those users that were using Astalty when we had user roles, The Support Coordinator user role was migrated to the Team Member user role.

Throughout this guide, you will see references to which roles can perform particular actions. By default, any new users will be created as Team Members. Currently, a user can have multiple roles; however, the permissions are hierarchical. That means that;

  • An Admin can do everything a Manager can do

  • A Manager can do everything a Team Member can do

The reason we have allowed for multiple roles is so that in the future, we can easily implement further user interface customisations and permissions based on a User's type, or combination of roles.


It is on our roadmap to provide the ability for user permissions to be controlled at a finer level.

Business Owner

There is one special user role that is not specified directly when selecting user roles from the dropdown - and that is the Business Owner.

This can not be changed without reaching out to The Business Owner is the user who initially signed up to Astalty.

There are a few things that only the business owner can do, such as managing the subscription and deactivating/reactivating users. We will outline these types of tasks that require this special user role throughout the user guide.

User Groups

User Groups have been implemented to allow you to define how your business is structured and the groups of users that make up your business. You will see there are 3 pre-defined groups that will update automatically when you change a user's role. For example, if you assign someone the Manager role, they will also be assigned to the Manager group.

Team Member Default Group

When a user is added to Astalty, they will be assigned the Team Member user role as well as the Team Member group. You are free to change this after they have signed up.

You are free to create and assign as many User Groups as you like.

User roles can also be used to create groups of users, so you can have control over which groups are notified for particular notifications.

An Example

For Utilisation Notifications, you may want to set up multiple notifications.

  • At a Utilisation Variance of 10%, you may want to notify the Primary Coordinator, as well as all Managers

  • At a Utilisation Variance of 20%, you may want to notify the Support Coordinator Manager (you could create a group for this)

  • At a Utilisation Variance of 30%, you may want to notify everyone in the Admin group