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Astalty, with the introduction of the Forms functionality (more on this here) has also introduced the Referrals functionality. The referrals functionality will centre around the reported referrals forms with the submitted forms appearing in a referrals register within the software.

How to create a Referral Form

Creating a referral form will be very similar to how you would create any form within the software. The Astalty forms functionality will include a referral template. Currently this is the only way to create a referral form that links to the referrals functionality. To learn more about creating a form click here for the user guide article.

Embedding a Form on a Website

With the release of the referral functionality you can now embed a published form on your website! To do this, from within the form builder of the published form, select the 'Actions' button and then 'Embed Form' as seen below.

Once you have done this you will have the option to embed your form to your website via the 'EMBED' option or the 'IFRAME' as seen below.

Once you embed a form on your website, any submissions against this embedded form will record within your Astalty account. If this form is a referral form you will be able to record any follow up to this form within the Referrals menu item. You can find out more about this process in our user guide article through this link here.