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When starting with Astalty you have the ability to import;

  1. Participants

  2. Notes

The Participants import is self-service however if you'd like to import Notes please contact

Participant Import

To streamline the setup on Astalty, we highly recommend importing your Participant. This process simplifies bulk data entry and ensures accuracy.

Accessing the Import Template

  1. Navigate to the Business Settings page from the left-hand side menu.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom and select Imports.

  3. Click on Participants or click here.

  4. In the top right corner, you'll find the option to Download the Template.

Preparing Your Data for Import

Before using the downloaded template, it's crucial to understand and adhere to the import requirements. Failure to meet these requirements will result in an unsuccessful import.

Import Requirements:

  • Mandatory fields: Each participant must have a First Name and Last Name.

  • Uniqueness: Participant mobile phone numbers and emails must be unique. Duplicate entries are not allowed. For instance, siblings sharing a contact number (like their mother's mobile) must have this number entered under the Additional Contacts column instead.

  • Date of Birth: Must follow the format DD/MM/YYYY. For today's date, enter 03/12/2023.

  • Primary Coordinator Email: This must match an existing user in Astalty. If the email is absent or incorrect, the participant will not be assigned a Primary Coordinator.

  • NDIS Number: Acts as a unique identifier. If a participant is found with a duplicate NDIS Number during import, the entry will be disregarded.

Importing Your Data

After ensuring your spreadsheet meets the import requirements:

  1. Scroll to the Import section at the bottom of the Participants page.

  2. Click to Import your file and select your prepared CSV file.

  3. Click on Start Import.

Important: Once you upload the file and click submit, the import process is irreversible, and participants cannot be deleted in bulk. Double-check your data for accuracy before proceeding.


If you encounter any issues during the import process, please reach out to support at for assistance.

Video Walkthrough

We have created a video walkthrough that guides you through the process of importing participants.