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Plan Notifications

Plan notifications are an essential tool to keep track of key events and deadlines in relation to Participant's plan dates. Follow this procedure to create and manage plan notifications within the system.

To manage Plan Notifications, head to the Notifications page in the main menu and click "Plan Notifications".

Creating a New Plan Notification

Once you're on the Plan Notifications page click Create Notification

Notification Details

Notification Name

Enter a name for the notification for internal reference, such as "8 Week Implementation Report".

When would you like to send the notification in relation to the Participant's plan dates?

  • Determine Notification Timing

    • Decide when you wish to send out the notification in relation to the Participant plan dates. All notifications are anchored to NDIS plan dates.

  • Set Notification Period

    • Enter the period for which you want to be notified, such as "8 weeks", and choose whether the anchor is the plan start date or plan end date.

Notification Content

Enter any contact you'd like to be sent in the Notification email here.

Notification Recipients

Primary Coordinator

Tick this option if you would like to notify the Participant's Primary Coordinator.

Service Coordinator

Tick this option if you would like to notify every Service Coordinator for the Participant.

This is useful when multiple supports are provided - for example this could be Psychosocial Recovery Coach or Level Three Support Coordinator.

User Groups

This enables you to select which User Groups you wish to be notified.


This enables you to notify a user directly.

Notification Methods

Within Astalty

If this option is selected, the user will be notified within Astalty.


If this option is selected, the user will be notified via email.

Finalising Your Notification

After entering all the relevant information, click Add Notification to save it.

Multiple Notifications

You can add multiple different notification based on user preferences.