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Astalty Changelog

Keep up to date with all of the latest changes to Astalty.

4th Sep 2024

Secondary Diagnosis

We have now added a dedicated Secondary Diagnosis field within the participants profile to store any additional diagnosis for your participants.

More Improvements

  • Updating Account Owner within User Profile

  • Show Account Owner within User Menu

  • Updated From Address of eSignature Email to Signee

  • Download Draft Document Templates

27th Aug 2024

Tasks Reports

We have recently added two new reports the Task Report and The Tasks Without Notes Report. Within these reports you can see the number of tasks within a time period and also the tasks that do not have any notes attached to them. More on the functionality of the reports below.

Tasks Report

Tasks Without Notes Report

More Updates

  • Implementation Export

  • eSignature Failed Email - Button to eSignature Request

  • Confirmation of Plan Manager Details Changing when Updating PM Details

19th Aug 2024

Calendar Event Colour Tagging

You can now assign colours to calendar events through the Colour Tag option within the Calendar functionality. For more information on this process see below!

More Improvements

  • Signature Request Note Template Type

  • User Notification for New Participants

  • Deleting Documents from Records

  • Task Summary - Charge Item Addition

  • Document Counter within Tasks

12th Aug 2024

Goals Export

We have added the ability to export a Participants Goals to a PDF document. You can select this by participant. To find this you can navigate to the Goals Export within the Export options.

More Improvements

  • Calendar Updates

  • Placeholder Update

  • Highlighter Colours Update

  • Total for Implemented Supports Update

6th Aug 2024

NDIS Plan Add Plan Button Relocation

We have now added an 'Add Plan' button at the beginning of the NDIS Plan page within a participants profile. This will make it easier to locate this option when needing to add a new plan when a participant receives a new one. More on this process below.

More Improvements

  • Utilisation Report Updates

  • Calendar Event Location

  • Archived Records within Record List Update

  • Page Break Placeholder

  • Document Category Search Update

  • Affiliate Updates

29th Jul 2024

Sync Xero Payments

Are your payments that you have received and reconciled in Xero not showing in Astalty? Now within Astalty, you can Sync your Payments received in Xero through the Xero Integration. More on this update below!

Other Improvements

  • Invoice Reminder Log

  • Additional Note Export Options

  • Send User Records For Signing

  • Ability to Select a Xero Organisation within your Xero Integration

22nd Jul 2024

Invoice Reminder Email Functionality

Within the Astalty invoice settings you can now set up invoice reminders for any invoice that is outstanding. You can find this feature through this link here. More on how the functionality works below.

Other Improvements

  • User Task Filter Update

  • Contact Dropdown within Generated Document

  • Task Summary

16th Jul 2024


The Astalty Calendar is the newest Astalty feature. We are very excited about this feature and the functionality it brings! For more on the Astalty Calendar please see the information below.

Other Improvements

  • Astalty received a Server Update on Saturday night (13/07/2024) from 9pm to 2am more on that below.

  • Invoice Export Addition. You can now export a Generic - Detailed export

9th Jul 2024

Updated Time Remaining Display for Participants' Plans

We have updated the way that the remaining time left on a participants plan is displayed in their NDIS plan section of their profile. Instead of displaying in days it by default is now displayed in weeks.

Other Improvements

  • Updated Document Upload Visibility Feature

  • Improved Address Display for Participants

  • Firefox Font Update

2nd Jul 2024

Charge Item Updates

As of Monday 1st July all of your Charge Items were updated in line with the updated Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits (PAPL) that were announced on the 27th of June to take effect from the 1st of July. Please see the full changelog to see how this update affected your Astalty account.

Other Improvements

  • Budget Totals within the Participant Budget menu.

  • Participant Templates page interface update.