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Add New NDIS Plan Button Update, Utilisation Report Updates & More

NDIS Plan Add Plan Button Relocation

Previously the 'Add Plan' was located toward the bottom of the NDIS Plan page within the 'All Plans' table. For ease of access we have added a second 'Add Plan' button located toward the beginning of the NDIS Plan page. Now when adding a new plan you can do this as soon as you click into the NDIS Plan page.

Utilisation Report Updates

We have shipped an updated to include new headings within the Utilisation report. Now the report has a column indicating days remaining within a participant plan. We have also updated the heading Variance (previously Utilisation Variance) to allow for more room within the headings.

Calendar Event Location

We have updated the calendar event edit screen to include a location for the event. Simply create a calendar event and when inthe edit screen, you will notice an add location option. When you click the text box, and start typing, Astalty will give you a list of possible locations based on what you are typing.

Archived Records within Record List Update

Within the records menu, when archiving a record, it will now show as last within the records list. You can also apply a status filter to exclude archived records within this menu.

Page Break Placeholder

We have now added the Page Break placeholder within your custom template placeholder options. You can add this to your custom templates to distinguish where you would like the page to end. This will assist with formatting your templates. You can find this option within the Formatting placeholder options as seen below.

Document Category Search Update

Previously, when searching using the Document Category filter. The search did not update when you typed a document category into the search bar. We have recently updated this so that you can now search for document categories.

Affiliate Updates

When you navigate to the Referrals page and accept the terms and conditions. You will now see the credit amount that you will receive per customer referred based on your Affiliate tier.