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Secondary Diagnosis, Account Owner Settings and eSignature From Address Updates & More

Secondary Diagnosis

As mentioned we have now added a dedicated Secondary Diagnosis field within the participants profile to store any additional diagnosis for your participants. You can now export this information within the Participant Export.

Transferring Account Owner within User Profile

We have added the ability to transfer ownership of the Astalty organisation internally, previously this was done by communicating with Astalty support. Now this can be done through the account owners profile and ownership can be transferred to other Admin users.

Show Account Owner within User Menu

You can now see what account is labelled as the account owners account. This is denoted the star within a shield icon. You can view this within the Users menu

Updated From Address with eSignature Email to Signee

We have now updated the sender address for any eSignature requests sent from Astalty to now display the organisation that the account has been labelled by. Previously this displayed that the eSignature was from Astalty.

Download Draft Document Templates

You can now download draft generated custom templates! This will help when needing to communicate with participants when generating documents to make any changes before finalising the document.